Protect Your Income

If you lost your income for one month, 3 months, six months or how about 2 years would you be in serious financial trouble?


If you lost your income for one month, 3 months, six months or how about 2 years would you be in serious financial trouble? If the answer is yes, then please reach out to me and we can discuss options to protect your most important asset in your working years…your INCOME.

When I do the seminar on “How to Protect Your Income and Risks” I cover again the most important things you need to understand and I provide a variety of solutions.

Please reach out to me if you would like me to do a seminar in your business or organization or just want to discuss personally.

  • The importance of protecting your income.
  • What are my risks of disability or a critical illness? What is your number one risk to rob your income?
  • There are many different types of solutions based on your career and the activities you participate in.
  • How much coverage should I have?
  • I already have a group plan from work, so I don’t need coverage…really?

I am licensed in BC to help you with your income protection